SXG is only permitted to conduct exploration activities on private land with the consent of the landowner. We will not enter private property without consent of the landowner.
Victorian licence conditions require Southern Cross Gold to minimise disturbance to a landholder, by ensuring that:
· exploration is timed to minimise disturbance to stock and/or crops, where practical;
· all reasonable steps are taken to inform the landowner of any possible disturbance to crops/stock and their protection of potential hazards;
· all gates will be left as found;
· all reasonable measures will be taken to minimise the spread of weeds, pest animals and plant diseases while under taking exploration activities;
· and, we will adhere to any biosecurity protocols that have been adopted on private or Crown land.
SXG speaks regularly to its closest residents and communities to share relevant updates through face-to-face visits, public forums, social media platforms and newsletters. A Community Reference Group(CRG) exists to ensure SXG balances the needs of the local community, environment and other stakeholders. The CRG ensures community interests are raised, acknowledged, considered and resolved. SXG is also investing in focussed engagements with business, field days and pop ups in surrounding townships.
No, members of the CRG do not receive payment. Membership is voluntary, all members are nominated by the community, the nominations are assessed by an independent committee and the group is chaired independently by a local community member. Please email if you would like more information on the CRG.
We always welcome hearing from residents. If you would like to ask a question, have a chat or find out further information, please get in touch on or 1800 717 638.
Is an act of law that governs the exploration, mining, and extractive industries in Victoria. The purpose of the MRSDA is to encourage economically viable mining and extractive industries which make the best use of resources in a way that is compatible with the economic, social, and environmental objectives of the State. The act is regularly amended and updated to reflect changing attitudes within the Victorian community.
Minerals exploration and mining in Victoria are governed under a legal regulatory framework, which is designed to ensure community interests and the environment are safeguarded. The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) serves as the exploration and mining regulator on behalf of the Minister for Resources and oversees administration of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990. The Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 establishes the legal framework to ensure that any risks posed by minerals exploration to the environment, or to land, property or infrastructure are identified and eliminated or appropriately managed.
The likelihood of exploration activity leading to an operating mine is very low. It is estimated that for every 300-1000 exploration projects, only one mine is developed (source: Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee, Inquiry into greenfields minerals exploration and project development in Victoria – Final report, Parliament of Victoria, Melbourne, 2012, p. 10).
An exploration licence does not permit the explorer to mine for minerals, nor does it guarantee that a mining licence will be granted over the licence area. For exploration to be undertaken on a licence, the explorer is required to comply with more than 20 laws which are designed to protect the environment, Indigenous heritage, non-Indigenous heritage, water, land, Native Title, flora and fauna, biodiversity, water catchment and communities.
If a viable resource is identified, the average time between exploration and mining commencement is between 10 and 15 years. This is due to the need for detailed geological studies to identify an economic mineral resource followed by thorough environmental and engineering studies and stringent approval processes.
SXG’s licence conditions stipulate that we must:
· Take all reasonable measures to minimise the spread of weeds, pest animals and plant diseases while undertaking exploration activities
· Adhere to any biosecurity protocols that have been adopted on private or Crown land
· Take all reasonable measures to prevent adverse impacts to livestock and crops
· Dispose of all waste generated at a site in an appropriate waste management facility.
SXG’s exploration drilling activities are designed to avoid adverse interaction with known groundwater aquifers and utilises approved biodegradable drilling products to ensure there is no detrimental impact on groundwater.
Diamond drilling uses a diamond impregnated drill bit to produce cores or “sticks” of rock from small diameter holes (less than 96mm in diameter). These cores give the geologist the maximum amount of information about the rock and the structures associated with any gold mineralisation with minimal impact on the environment. All holes are completely rehabilitated at the end of a drilling program.
As all minerals are owned by the State of Victoria, exploration licences are issued by the state to allow licensees to explore for minerals on specific areas of land. If an area is available for exploration, an explorer can apply for a licence over an area up to 500 square kilometres. An exploration licence is granted for a period of up to five years and capable of being renewed for another period of 5 years if the explorer successfully applies for an extension.
Exploration licences do not prevent hobby prospectors from using metal detectors to look for gold nor does it impact any activities which landowners wish to do on their property.
Low impact exploration activities within a granted Exploration Licence have low social and environmental impacts.Before low impact exploration can be carried out on an exploration licence, Southern Cross Gold ensures all the required public liability insurance policies are in place, that environmental bonds have been paid and landowner and/or occupiers’ consents are in place.
Mineral exploration programs typically begin with an initial low impact exploration phase in which large areas are explored to identify unique small target areas. These low impact activities can include geophysical surveys, geological mapping, and selective drilling. All of Southern Cross Gold’s exploration activities adhere to, and are governed by, the Victorian Government’s Code of Practice for Mineral Exploration. A copy of the code is available here.
At the Sunday Creek Goldfield we are using innovative non-ground disturbing technology to carry out three different types of geophysical surveys. These surveys help us to ascertain whether the rocks within the abandoned goldfield have potential for hosting additional gold resources by looking at the rocks’ magnetic, electrical, and gravitational (or density) signatures. These surveys are carried out by local Victorian companies and a majority of the survey is performed by operators on foot. We then combine data from these surveys with geological mapping and historic production reports from the abandoned mines, obtained from the department of Earth Resources, to target selective diamond drill holes.
All staff and contractors working on our exploration tenements are mindful of minimising their impact on the environment and we ensure that no littering occurs and that all waste is removed from the site. It is our intention that there is a high-level of communication with any and all nearby landowners, and that they need to be happy and satisfied that the property is left with the least amount of impact as possible.
An exploration licence effectively allows for an explorer to negotiate access to land with the landowner, be that private land or Crown Land. Mining is not permitted to occur under an exploration licence. Exploration can only be conducted on private land if consent from the landowner is obtained.
Minerals exploration and mining in Victoria are governed under a legal regulatory framework, which is designed to ensure community interests and the environment are safeguarded. The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) serves as the exploration and mining regulator on behalf of the Minister for Resources and oversees administration of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990. The Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 establishes the legal framework to ensure that any risks posed by minerals exploration to the environment, or to land, property or infrastructure are identified and eliminated or appropriately managed.
Antimony is a brittle silver-white metal that occurs naturally in the environment in soil and rocks and in certain parts of the world, including Central Victoria, there are higher concentrations of antimony.
As antimony is naturally occurring in the environment, people are exposed to relatively small amounts every day.
Antimony and its compounds are used to make a variety of products such as:
· Metal alloys where it assists hardness, strength, anticorrosion and other properties
· Flame retardant treatments for textiles, plastics, rubber and some building materials
· Consumer products including electrical devices, paints, plastics and pottery
· In some medicines for treating parasitic diseases (usually in animals)
Historically, antimony was once used in medicine to induce vomiting.
As antimony is naturally occurring in the environment, people are exposed to relatively small amounts every day in air, food and water. Most of the antimony in your body comes from food and drinking water. In comparison, small amounts may also come from exposure to dust or soil.
Most antimony taken into the body through diet leaves the body in urine or faeces within a few days. Antimony in dust or soil is bound to soil particles, therefore is not well absorbed by the body if swallowed. The skin is a good barrier to metal compounds. Absorption through skin is considered to be negligible.
If you can't find the answer to your question above, please feel free to email us here.
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