Exploration Tunnel

About the exploration tunnel project

In June 2025 Southern Cross Gold Consolidated (SXGC) will apply to the Victorian resources regulator for approval to construct an underground exploration tunnel at our Sunday Creek project at Clonbinane.  ​

The tunnel, also known as an exploration decline, will enable drilling to occur from underground.  It is proposed to be located off Hibberds Lane on SXGC-owned land and will be accessed via a private road. ​

An exploration tunnel will significantly reduce impacts to our local community associated with 24-hour surface drilling. Underground drilling reduces noise emissions and light emissions at night. It will also reduce the need for additional surface drill pads to be constructed, potentially impacting neighbours, native vegetation and heritage features.

Construction of the tunnel will require the use of blasting to tunnel through rock and will only occur during the 6-9 month tunnel construction period.

Once the tunnel is constructed the majority of exploration drilling will occur from underground, however some surface drilling will still be required. Underground drilling will occur 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

All construction activity will comply with strict operational limits in place to protect people, the environment and infrastructure.  

Below, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions. If you have questions that aren’t answered here, we welcome hearing from you at community@southerncrossgold.com.au or 1800 717 638.

You can also check out our drop-in dates and locations for more details, or see what the decline looks like here.

SXGC - Sunday Creek Aerial shot with site layout in context
SXGC - Sunday Creek Exploration tunnel stockpiles and dams

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an exploration tunnel?
Why is SXGC doing this?
Are you permitted to mine?
Where will the tunnel entrance and infrastructure be located?
When will this happen?
Who will approve the project?
How long will it take to build?
What will happen at the end of its life?
What impact will this have on the environment?
Will the tunnel impact residents?
How can I provide feedback or find out more?

Contact Us

If you have questions that aren’t answered here, please contact us on 1800 717 638 or email community@southerncrossgold.com.au