Licences and Permits

In Victoria, mining and mineral exploration activities is regulated under the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (MRSD Act) and overseen by Earth Resources Regulation (ERR), part of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA). Along with the MRSD Act, mineral exploration activities are guided by the Code of Practice for Mineral Exploration which provides practical guidance about how exploration work should be conducted in Victoria to meet regulatory requirements and environmental standards under the MRSD Act.

Exploration licences are granted by the Victorian Government to explore for a group of minerals in the licence area generally for a period of up to five years initially, with the option for renewal. The area of the licence is measured in ‘graticular sections’ and may cover between one and 500 square kilometres.

In addition to ERR exploration licences, SXG are required to obtain permits from other regulatory agencies including to operate in State Forests, work near water ways, remove native vegetation or to work in public road reserves. 

For more information about the Exploration Code of Practice click here.

Understanding the Project Life Cycle

Exploration is not mining and its occurrence does not guarantee that mining will be approved at a location. Should an exploration project be determined to be economically viable, the process for an exploration project transitioning into a mining project involves significant environmental, social and technical studies along with multiple opportunities for community engagement.

Mining is a temporary land use activity, which consists of interconnected stages that can span 30 years or more. Throughout that time, mining companies are guided by the core values of safety, sustainability, responsibility and inclusion, allowing them to create value and improve lives, while taking care of the environment.

SXG Tenement Map

SXG’s Victorian current exploration and retention licences cover more than 44,000 Ha cross Central Victoria and includes the historic townships of Redcastle and Clonbinane. Exploration activities conducted to date across the different tenements include diamond drilling, soil and rock chip sampling, geophysics and geological mapping.

Sunday Creek Exploration Permits

Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Sunday Creek Permits

On the 9th January 2025 Southern Cross Gold applied for ELA008626, indicated in pink.

To review licences near me, an interactive map is available at

To find out more about our Sunday Creek Projects visit here