Establishment of the community reference group is a significant milestone in building trusting, working relationships and promoting information sharing between SXG and the local community and stakeholders"
Southern Cross Gold’s (SXG) community reference group provides a forum for SXG and community representatives to discuss issues relating to SXG’s exploration activities.
Hearing directly from community members ensures SXG can incorporate community feedback into our operations and balance the needs of our local community and environment.
While the community reference group is not a decision-making or regulatory body, it provides valuable advice and assistance to SXG and allows us to keep the community informed about our exploration activities.
The CRG meets four times per year at the Clonbinane Hall and membership is voluntary.
SXG is accepting nominations from community members and groups. If you live in Clonbinane, Kilmore, Broadford, Wallan orsurrounding areas and would like to join the CRG, please email CRG@southerncrossgold.com.au for a nomination pack.