Below are images showing what the exploration tunnel will look like. These images provide an overview of the site and its key features and include site location and plan, site infrastructure, view from the street, and view from underground.
The site will be off a private road on Southern Cross Gold Consolidated-owned land. At this stage the location is indicative and the final position has not yet been confirmed. The environmental surveys that are currently underway will help us refine the final design of infrastructure.
Sheds, maintenance workshops, offices, dams and rock stockpiles will be constructed near the tunnel’s entrance. A shaft will be constructed to provide ventilation of the tunnel. We have placed the majority of infrastructure behind hills and natural vegetation to shield the infrastructure from view.
Soil and waste rock excavated to construct the tunnel and supporting infrastructure will be stored on site in stockpiles for later use.
Based on modelling, we don’t expect much of the project to be visible from Clonbinane Road and Hibberds Lane. Here are what we expect road users to see from these two roads.
The tunnel will be 150m deep and 600m long. It will be big enough for vehicle to enter and drill from underground.
If you have questions that aren’t answered here, please contact us on 1800 717 638 or email