Land Rehabilitation Process

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Land Rehabilitation Process

What is the Land Rehabilitation Process at Southern Cross Gold?

The Victorian Government holds a substantial rehabilitation bond, over every exploration licence. Exploration activities that disturb the ground's surface, apart from very low-impact activities such as mapping or soil sampling, require separate applications and approvals from Earth Resources Regulation, including how the land will be rehabilitated.

Strict conditions are applied to all exploration approvals, and complete rehabilitation is an essential requirement for all surface-disturbing exploration activities. As part of the State Government's assessment for all surface disturbing exploration activities, the rehabilitation bond for the exploration licence is assessed and adjusted to ensure that the Government holds the total cost of rehabilitation for each application should the company be unable to complete the works. The Government must determine that full rehabilitation has been completed before the habilitation bond is released.

Southern Cross Gold has more than $100,000 of rehabilitation bonds lodged with the Victorian Government to ensure that full and proper rehabilitation of our exploration projects is guaranteed to occur.

For more information about the rehabilitation process check out the ERR rehabilitation page:

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