Southern Cross Gold practice low-impact exploration.

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Southern Cross Gold practice low-impact exploration.

Here at Southern Cross Gold, we practice low-impact exploration.

Low-impact exploration activities ensure minimal social and environmental consequences.

We operate strictly within the boundaries of our granted Exploration Licence, which demands public liability insurance, paid environmental bonds, and necessary consent from landowners.

Our drilling program adheres to stringent environmental standards, aiming to leave the least possible impact on the surrounding ecosystem and community.

To achieve this, we collaborate with a local drilling company based in Heathcote, using specially designed lightweight, low-noise, rubber-mounted track rigs. By drilling exclusively on existing tracks or adjacent areas, we eliminate the need for vegetation clearance.

We communicate with neighbouring landowners, ensuring minimal disruption to them and their properties.

#southerncrossgold #SXG #lowimpactexploration #sundaycreek

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